Platform Item Types

Common Interactions
Inline & Graphic Interactions
Custom Interactions
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice allows the test builder to add a variety of answers to a question and select which answer or answers will be correct.
Order is a question type where test takers have to determine the correct order in which the data is associated or matched with its corresponding answer. Test builders can add data in will its matching answer and shuffle the data in order to mix up the table so the order isn’t as straightforward.
An Associate question allows test takers to choose an answer in which they feel either relates to the question the most or pick the choice is which they desire in relation to the question being asked.
This test item is a simple matching set. Test builders can set up the matching question so certain information can be matched to its definition or answer on the other side of the layout of the question. The question contents can be split up in order to make the question structured in a way of the test maker's choice.
A Hot Text question is a question in which potential answers are highlighted. Test takers can choose one or more of these highlighted choices to select the best answer for the question.
Gap Match
The Gap Match item type is a question in which test takers have to select an answer and drag and drop it into the “gap” on the question. This item type have have more than one answer to choose from to make the choice more difficult.
A Slider item type allows test takers to drag a slider along a numerical scale in order to answer or rate a question. The slider can be dragged some small to high and gives the test taker the flexibility to be more precise in the answering process.
Extended Text
An Extended Text item type is a typical essay or paragraph response question. Test builders can ask a question, and the test taker can respond in an extended length of test and the amount can be adjusted by the test builder.
File Upload
This item type allows test makers to upload a file in order to support an answer they have provided to the question. The test taker can simply attach or upload the file directly to the question.
A Media item type is a question where the test maker can upload a media file to support or build on a question. The media file can be a picture, video, or another type of media. The test maker can edit the size of the upload area, the number of times it can be played, if the media will be on a loop, or if the test taker can pause the media at all.
(Inline Choice, Text Entry, End Attempt)
This item type is a simple block that can be added with a few different options for various item types to be added into a block. The Inline choice is a drop-down menu that gives the test takers the choice to pick from a selection of options. A Text Entry item type makes it so the test taker has to type in their answer in the box. An End Attempt item is a button that allows the test taker to end their attempt in the question, test section, or the test.
A Hot Spot item type allows to test maker to upload a file that needs to be answered by the test taker selecting the right location(s) or marker on the file. For example, the file can be a geographical map and the test taker has to pinpoint the correct location on the map to answer the question correctly.
Graphical Order
A Graphical Order item type is similar to the Hotspot item type. However, the Order item allows multiple pinpoint locations to be selected on the file and in a specific order to make the question more specific and/or complex. This is an Order question with a graphical item added.
Graphical Associate item type
A Graphical Associate item type allows test takers to choose an answer in which they feel either relates to the question the most or pick the choice is which they desire in relation to the question being asked. Being a graphical version, a file can be added to apply the Associate type to a file such as a map.
Gap Match
The Graphical Gap Match item type is a question in which test takers have to select an answer and drag and drop it into the “gap” on the question. This item type have have more than one answer to choose from to make the choice more difficult. Being a graphical version, a file can be added to apply the Associate type to a file such as a map.
Select Point
A Select Point item type allows to test maker to upload a file that needs to be answered by the test taker selecting the right location(s) or marker on the file. For example, the file can be a geographical map and the test taker has to pinpoint the correct location on the map to answer the question correctly.
An Audio item or interaction is an item type that allows test takers to answer the question by a recording. A good example of how to use this is the audio recording tool can be used for translation questions between different languages.

A Likert item type can be viewed as a rating question. The lower end being a thumbs down and the higher end being a thumbs up. Buttons are placed in between and can be selected by test takers to give their opinion on something the test maker wants an opinion on. Different amounts of buttons can be added to make a more detailed or accurate statement.
The Liquids item type can be used for test takers to have to answer questions about liquids accurately. A digital container with measurements can be used and interacted with for test takers to correctly show the amount of liquid there is in relation to a question asked.
Math Entry
A Math Entry item type allows the test maker to build equations for test takers to answer. Simple tools such as multiplication, division, and greater than or less can be used. More complex tools such as square roots, cosnisus & sinus, pi, and more tools are available.
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