Our Exam Platform

Our Story

Assessbank provides a testing platform that supports regulator and organization needs, and allows the customization for clients to make the platform their own. Whether branding or specific settings, Assessbank is here to be your organization's testing solution
Create and Customize a Test
Create items (Questions) and add them to your own item bank. With over 20 question types the customization is in your hands. Build a test with the item types you desire. Edit features within the test builder to apply your own standards to the test. Assessbank can also add your branding to personalize your site.
Test Settings
We recognize the way a test is built is important, which is why our platform is customizable and user friendly. With different item types such as multiple choice, order, liquid measurements, or math entries being easily accessible. Edit how you want test takers to view and answer, or upload files. Adjust how long test takers have to finish a test, how many attempts they have, and more. 
Finalizing and Delivery
After creating your personalized test, only a few steps need to be completed before your test can be used. Assign test takers to groups, these groups are assigned to the finalized test. Create a Test Delivery and decide the time the test opens and closes. Assign groups to the test delivery, then the test is ready!
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